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Disruptive Technologies in Security and Defence: Preparing for ‘Known Unknowns’

Caitriona Heinl Opinions

When it comes to ‘emerging and disruptive technologies’ (EDTs) in security and defence, we can be assured of one certainty, and that is the persistence of an uncomfortably high level of policy and technological uncertainty for the immediate to medium term. Despite slight variation in the definition and common understanding of EDTs, they are generally understood to be particularly disruptive …

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Upping the Ante on EU Cyber Defence: What Should we Expect from our Capitals?

Caitriona Heinl Commentary

The obvious importance of cyber defence – often the poor cousin of all things cyber – is becoming clearer and more entrenched, with growing high-level EU ambitions. The recent release of the EU cyber defence policy in late 2022 marks a milestone for the EU’s cyber defence policy framework insofar as its ambitions indicate the aspirational direction of travel for …

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Governance of Disruptive Technologies for International Peace and Security: Maturing Yet Nascent Military AI-cyber Policy Has Far to Go

Caitriona Heinl Commentary

There is not yet a comprehensive understanding of the future implications of Emerging and Disruptive Technologies (EDTs) like AI in civilian, military and intelligence applications. The precise nature of opportunities and risks relating to EDTs continues to be unpacked, and relevant national and international policies for international peace and security are still maturing. Like the first cyber strategies introduced globally …

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Cyber Arms Control and Risk Reduction

Caitriona Heinl Commentary

Discussions at the UN have revealed that “implementation is currently one of our biggest challenges”. Specifically, states are conscious of the need to translate non-military cyber confidence-building measures (CBMs) into concrete actions that are implementable by all states, thus moving beyond awareness-raising. This is especially the case where CBMs are viewed by bodies such as the EU as a practical …

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Navigating Cyber Diplomacy in the Asia Pacific

Caitriona Heinl Interviews

The cyber and critical tech team at the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has certainly been proactive about advancing their global and regional cyber engagement agenda. No easy feat when navigating intricate geostrategic realities in the Asia Pacific, the complexities of major power rivalries and rising strategic competition amid a global health crisis.

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Demonstrating Europe’s Digital Value

Caitriona Heinl Opinions

To fully realise their strategic value, the EU’s digital and cyber policies need to be better tailored to engage all stakeholders, both in Europe and beyond. To accomplish this, all sides will need to commit to a meaningful dialogue about the ultimate goal of these policies and the pathways to get there. The rationale behind creating Directions is to provide …