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Estado del arte de la protección de datos en Argentina

Daniel Monastersky Opinions

La ley 25.326 con más de 20 años de vigencia, convirtió a Argentina en un país pionero en la región en la protección de  datos personales. Tras un largo camino recorrido en virtud del desarrollo progresivo de la temática, de los nuevos estándares establecidos por las comunidades de países y a la luz de los desafíos que se presentan en …

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Three Pivots Towards Digital Inclusion

Natalie Pang Opinions

While the pandemic has created a new awareness of the importance of digital inclusion, we need to expand the conversation beyond accessibility and literacy and towards human-centric strategies to combat newer forms of biases and gaps. Current discussions about digital inclusion need to take into account three elements in particular: smart technology bias, data citizenship and platform cooperativism. If there’s …

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Microtargeted Propaganda by Foreign Actors

Ronan Ó Fathaigh Commentary

Microtargeting involves collecting information about people and using that information to show them targeted political advertisements. Such microtargeting enables advertisers to tailor ads to specific groups of people, for instance people who visit certain websites or share specific characteristics. Microtargeted propaganda can be more effective, more efficient and more hidden than traditional propaganda. Consequently, its use, especially by foreign actors, …

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Data Protection in China

Rogier Creemers Commentary

In the summer of 2021, China’s National People’s Congress passed two pieces of data-related legislation, the Data Security Law (DSL) and the Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL). These laws, which entered into force in September and November respectively, form the centre of what will become a comprehensive regulatory architecture governing all important aspects of data collection, storage, processing, trading and …

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Personal Data and International Organisations: Hacks Off!

Eneken Tikk Opinions

Harmful, malicious and hostile cyber activities against international institutions, entire populations and vulnerable groups are appalling, regardless of whether they are committed by state or non-state actors. It is time to talk restraint when it comes to cyberattacks and information operations targeting international organisations and personal data. The compromise of personal data and confidential information on the servers of the …

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The EU’s Approach to e-Evidence

Dan Svantesson Opinions

Electronic evidence (‘e-evidence’) plays a central role in the fight against crime both online and offline. But the goal of ensuring access to such evidence must be reconciled with the need for protecting data privacy and other fundamental rights. The European Union is in the process of adopting a regulatory framework for e-evidence. It needs to strike the right balance …

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Data Transfers in EU-India Relations

Anna-Maria Osula Commentary

Transborder data flow is the norm in today’s globalised and interconnected world and yields great social as well as economic benefits. Can the EU and India find a common language to ensure the protection of basic rights when processing personal data? The explosive use of technology is transforming our economies and societies. The total amount of data in the world …

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Parliaments Under Cyberattack

Steve Honiss Opinions

Democratic institutions are under cyber siege. Parliaments and parliamentarians need to up their game if they are going to defend themselves. National leaders’ and decision-makers’ widespread reliance on Internet-connected digital technologies makes it critical that they use those tools responsibly and with care. It also means that those supporting leaders need to make it safe, secure and reliable for them …

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Privacy and Europe’s Cyber Leadership

Eneken Tikk Opinions

Although the US and the EU have been running mates in the international cybersecurity race, Europe has been a rather silent partner in this campaign. A recent ruling by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) underlines the unique features of European cyber power. The Privacy Shield verdict is a reminder that Europe is not like Russia. It is not like China. And it is not like the United States either.